iReview Elevates Chicago Pizza

iReview Elevates Chicago Pizza

Once upon a time, a small pizza restaurant in Chicago named "Proper Pizano's" struggled to attract new customers. Despite having delicious pizza and friendly staff, the restaurant's online reputation was lacking, with a Google star rating of only 3.8. 

Determined to turn things around, the restaurant owner subscribed to iReview, an online reputation management service that helped him monitor and respond to customer reviews on Google and other sites like Facebook and Yelp.

With the help of iReview, the restaurant was able to publicly and professionally address negative reviews and improve its overall rating. After a few months, Pizano’s Google star rating had increased to 4.3, thanks to the many positive testimonials left by satisfied customers. The accumulation of many 5-star ratings was the result of iReview’s review generation automation and relentless monthly review requests until nearly every customer happily left their feedback (did you know that 66% of consumers will leave a review if asked to do so?).

As a result of its improved online reputation, Pizano Pizza began to see an increase in the number of people walking through the door. The owner of Pizano's read a survey statistic on Forbes online which said that 58% of individuals would pay more for a product if they would receive great customer service. The owner quickly understood that customers do not want to purchase a pizza from an unhappy person, but rather someone attractively dressed, smiling, and welcoming. Hence, Pizano hired friendly, positive, attractive order clerks to charm walk-in customers to buy pizza. In addition, Pizano’s pizza owner read that “younger generations are willing to pay more than older generations.” (like the current trend of millennials paying $6-$7 coffees in North America).  Knowing the biggest consumer generation is the up-and-coming millennials, who already love pizza, it was a no-brainer to ensure the pizza service was on point.

As a result of Pizano's further improvements in customer service and auto-review requests. More and more customers were choosing Pizano’s over competitors, resulting in a +20% increase in annual revenue.

Encouraged by their success, the restaurant owner continued to use iReview to manage their online reputation and ensure that every customer was satisfied with their tasty pizza and awesome staff.

Word of mouth began to spread about the delicious pizza and great service at the restaurant, leading to even more customers and further growth in revenue. The restaurant owner was thrilled with the results and grateful for the help of iReview in turning their business around.

Ultimately, the small pizza restaurant in Chicago went from struggling to successful, all thanks to its commitment to providing great food and service, along with its partnership with iReview. To enjoy going down the same path of success as Pizano did, consider subscribing with iReview, your business needs to have a high Google star rating to survive and thrive in today's hyper-competitive markets.